Monday, July 28, 2008


Never thought that planning a fun filled holiday in Melbourne with my whole family can be so stressful. First, I need to convince my Brother's family that we do not want to travel and stay in different hotels everyday as it will be a hassle to pack and unpack everyday, especially we are going to have 4 little kids with us.

Next I have to satisfy my my brother's family by finding a good and cheap package to Melbourne. Then came the news from my hubby that he might be changing job and hence may have to bring forward the holidays....that means I have to get my brother's 'approval' on the new dates.

Then after realising that travelling to Aussie is quite expensive this year, my brother suggested switching to Hokkaido. Then, I have to get my hubby's agreement. Then came the final blow.....$2.1K for my little 2-yr old boy for that Japan trip!!!! Of course my hubby jumped. No way he (and myself) is going with that price....

Now back to square 1, I have to re-search for the best deals in Melbourne!

Think this time, I'm going to lay out all the possible trips we can take and the price and get all to decide where they want to go! Sometimes I really felt like giving up, just pack and go on my own....but kids will not be able to travel witrh their cousins and probably, the holidays would not be as much fun.


Friday, July 25, 2008

So Sad.....

Today is my last day of working from home.....

After working 8 days at home, I felt even stronger towards realising my dream, i.e. working from home. Be it continue working in my company or start a home business. This is really what I want.

Now...I'm hoping that the Govt can quickly finalise and announce about their plans on work-life balance especially for working mothers. Then, I can start to "hint" and hopefully "stress" my bosses on the work-from-home scheme. A scheme they had beautifully worded and uploaded in the intranet but few dare to even take a peek.

So...I'm now waiting patiently and stepping a tiny step at time to slowly walk towards my goal :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Little Artist

I have been buying lots of colouring tools for my kids, hoping they would love drawing. Not sure if that is called "placing expectation" but I really hope they can find some enjoyment in arts.

Seems like it doesn't work on Chanel as she doesn't have the patience to complete any task except watching TV.

A little disappointed though, as I have many ideas about doing handicrafts with her....well probably can try it on Clarence instead. Heh...

Introducing my little angels (or rascals??)

This is my little girl, Chanel, at 2 mths old in 2004....B'cos of her, I lost interest in many many things. My only hobby seems to be HER. Anything about HER.

This is my little boy, Clarence, at 1 mth old in 2006....B'cos of him, I lost my time. I never have time to do anything except slaving after HIM & HER...

Though I lost something when they arrived but life seems to be much more fulfilling than ever. Strange...but it's true. Till today, I enjoy every moment of my precious time with them. Guess this is call motherhood.

The site is finally up!

Whew....have finally got it up, after many hours of scratching my head how to get it started. Well, I still have alot to to figure out especially on the layouts.
At least got the header in now :)