Monday, December 29, 2008

HFMD cases again....

My kid's childcare has a total of 3 cases now...

The 2 new cases was brought to my attention this afternoon. I was told that the sibling of a affected child came to school today and was sent home b'cos of suspected symptoms. This really pissed me off!

I have highlighted my concerns in the previous outbreak that siblings of affected should refrain from coming to school but the principal says that they cannot enforced such "rules" b'cos MCYS didn't say god!!! They rather let the rest of the parents be kept in suspense wondering who will be affected next then enforce a school rule.

This school may be good but sometimes over "doing it". The parent of the affected child have commented that they have no choice but to send their other child to school and the school also accepts. Why couldn't they be more considerate to the rest of the children and parents. I really don't understand.

Anyway, I have told the school about my disappointment in them over the management of the HFMD. Though I don't think the school would do anything but I still think that I should let them know my views.

I have also conveyed my views to Mindchamps and I hope they would have a better management over such matters since their fees are 3 times much higher than my kid's current childcare....and they better be.....

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